Tesla Motors Enis Jevric

Tesla Motors Enis Jevric
Enis Jevric Blog

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Ch. 15- Marketing Communications

The key to a good promotional mix includes advertising, promotions, events, and public relations.

Promotions include a $7,500 US Federal Tax Credit if you buy a new Tesla car for personal use. Most of there advertising is on the newspapers, magazines, forums and website.Tesla uses media and social hubs such as Facebook and Twitter to inform the public of any new information or events taking place. Tesla Motors spends no money on paid media, but uses earned media in the form of word of mouth and free test-drives. Tesla Motors is covered by media and magazines like Motor Trend. By the media covering them, they raise brand awareness and increase traffic to their website.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Ch. 10 - Product Concepts

Tesla model lined up includes a consumer specialty product. Tesla Motors brand is of high quality, high performance, fully electric, and high level of customization.

Also, CEO Elon Musk is announcing another event. On April 30, at 8 p.m. PST, Tesla will introduce a "major new Tesla product line" that is "not a car," Musk said on Twitter Monday morning.

Tesla Motors current product mix includes the Model S and Model X. The Model S has more depth.

                                                                         Model X

                                                                        Model S

Tesla Motors brand equity is of high value despite it's still low market presence. 

Tesla Motors was sued in late 2014 in china for trademark infringement by a Chinese business but Tesla settled the dispute with the trademark.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Ch. 17 - Personal Selling and Sales Management

Tesla Motors sells cars that are different, expensive to some, and requires convincing. Their products require more personal selling.

Tesla Model S meets the requirements of a personal seller but, only in a few states including California, Nevada, Washington, New Hampshire, and New Jersey.

Anyone in the United States can start the process of buying a Tesla by phone or online, but dealers say Tesla's factory stores are illegal in some states. So if you want to purchase a car, you would have to buy at TeslaMotors.com and then arrange a delivery.

While it is true that one could just go online, order the car without any human interaction what so ever most of us are not that comfortable when it comes to buying a car. Tesla sales personnel are there to educate you and help clients with their needs. Some disadvantages that faces Tesla, is that some storefront personnel are limited when it comes to personal selling because they can’t discuss price or guide the purchase of a car. Some advantages is that the sales personnel are not paid on commission so they don’t pressure the consumers into buying unlike other car dealers. Tesla websites collect feedback via forum conversations, blogs, and emails.