Tesla Motors Enis Jevric

Tesla Motors Enis Jevric
Enis Jevric Blog

Monday, April 20, 2015

Ch. 10 - Product Concepts

Tesla model lined up includes a consumer specialty product. Tesla Motors brand is of high quality, high performance, fully electric, and high level of customization.

Also, CEO Elon Musk is announcing another event. On April 30, at 8 p.m. PST, Tesla will introduce a "major new Tesla product line" that is "not a car," Musk said on Twitter Monday morning.

Tesla Motors current product mix includes the Model S and Model X. The Model S has more depth.

                                                                         Model X

                                                                        Model S

Tesla Motors brand equity is of high value despite it's still low market presence. 

Tesla Motors was sued in late 2014 in china for trademark infringement by a Chinese business but Tesla settled the dispute with the trademark.

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