Tesla Motors Enis Jevric

Tesla Motors Enis Jevric
Enis Jevric Blog

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Ch. 4 - The Marketing Environment

Tesla Motors Model S delivers luxury to the upper middle class to upper class, who want luxury and the added benefit of not paying for gas. Also, for the environmental conservative drivers. Demographic: 35+ years old, business owners, managers and officials.

 2014 Tesla Model S MSRP: From $69,900

In order to expand bigger, Tesla Motors has their eyes set on eco friendly consumers, tech savvy and entry level luxury car consumers ranging from mid 20’s to early 40’s, and middle working class. By lowing the price of it's vehicles starting from $30,000, more consumers will buy.

Would you buy a Tesla Motors electric car for $35,000? Tesla Motors sure hopes so.

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